Event Calendar

  • Sat
    6:00 pm

    Joan and Vern have graciously agreed to host the party, starting at 6:00 PM on Saturday, December 14th. In order to have enough food for everyone, each member is asked to bring either a main dish, salad, or dessert to share. The club will provide meat (turkey and BBQ ribs) and some fixings. We’ll also do a gift exchange, so bring a fun gift in the $10-20 range (aviation gifts are always fun). Bring your family or friends for a fun evening together.
    This is a great time to see old friends and to meet some of our newer members. Please RSVP to Isaac by December 9th so that we can get the meat and seating plans finalized. Also, please let Isaac know if you can volunteer to help clean up after the party. Feel free to text or email Isaac or Joan if you have questions.

  • Sat
  • Sat
  • Wed
    6:00 pmLa Margarita Express (515 Chemeketa Street NE, Salem, OR)

    It’s almost time for our annual club meeting to cover general business and officer elections. Over dinner, we’ll have a chance to meet the many new members that joined this year, provide an overall update on the club and our financials, discuss what we’ve accomplished over the last year, hold officer elections, discuss plans for the future, and discuss other business that you wish to bring up.
    The Vice-President and Secretary positions expire in January, so elections will be held for these positions. If you have interest in serving on the Board, please contact any of the board members for more information on these positions: Isaac Mosgrove (President), Simon Hayes (Vice-President), Joan Johnson (Treasurer), Jon Eggert (Secretary), Corey Benson (Safety & Maintenance), Chris Eriksson (Chief Pilot).
    If you know of special topics, proposals, or concerns that you’d like to discuss, please contact Isaac so that we can be sure that they are on the agenda. We look forward to recapping the accomplishments of this past year and to look ahead to further improvements for the future.
    This year’s meeting will be at 6:00 pm, Wednesday, January 24th at La Margarita Express, 515 Chemeketa St NE (members pay for their own orders).

  • Tue
    7:00 pmHangar - Flight Planning Room

    Quarterly club meetings are held with the Board in order to provide members more opportunities to ask questions, make suggestions, raise concerns, and have increased visibility into the status and workings of the club. This is your club, so the Board wants to make sure you are aware of what is happening throughout the year. The quarterly meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the 2nd month each quarter at 7:00 PM in the flight planning room.

  • Sat
  • Tue
    7:00 pmHangar - Flight Planning Room

    Quarterly club meetings are held with the Board in order to provide members more opportunities to ask questions, make suggestions, raise concerns, and have increased visibility into the status and workings of the club. This is your club, so the Board wants to make sure you are aware of what is happening throughout the year. The quarterly meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the 2nd month each quarter at 7:00 PM in the flight planning room.

  • Tue
    7:00 pmHangar - Flight Planning Room

    Quarterly club meetings are held with the Board in order to provide members more opportunities to ask questions, make suggestions, raise concerns, and have increased visibility into the status and workings of the club. This is your club, so the Board wants to make sure you are aware of what is happening throughout the year. The quarterly meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the 2nd month each quarter at 7:00 PM in the flight planning room.

  • Tue
    7:00 pmHangar - Flight Planning Room

    Quarterly club meetings are held with the Board in order to provide members more opportunities to ask questions, make suggestions, raise concerns, and have increased visibility into the status and workings of the club. This is your club, so the Board wants to make sure you are aware of what is happening throughout the year. The quarterly meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the 2nd month each quarter at 7:00 PM in the flight planning room.

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